The end…

February 20, 2009 at 12:48 pm (Uncategorized)

…Or is it? I’ve really enjoyed doing 25 Things 🙂 Aside from being something different to the usual day in lending, I’ve learnt some things, and I’ve loved reading what everyone else has been up to! Ok, so I’m a bit of a nosy parker and blog reading addict anyway, but, you know 🙂

So what have I learnt? While I’ve seen or used a lot of the Things, they change and advance so quickly that there is always more to learn about them anyway. My particular faves have been playing with mashups and Flickr extras – mainly because they are things that in general I wouldn’t use very much if at all, so I hadn’t really found or played with them before. Being pushed to mess about and try them out means that I’ve found some fun things that I might actually use now 🙂 And as I’ve already said, I’ve loved reading everyone else’s blogs. Seeing what other people have played with, discovered and thought of what we’ve been looking at has been interesting, and quite frankly, fun!

I confess I’m still a little disappointed that LibraryThing didn’t capture my interest. It was something I really wanted to like, but just couldn’t bring myself to get involved in it. I don’t know if that’s because I’m old school paper/book non-book group type girl or because there just wasn’t as much as I expected there to be on it, or maybe even just that I’m just too lazy to spend time putting my many books online, or dare I say afraid of someone badmouthing my faves? But whatever it was that put me off, I still feel like I’m swearing very very badly by saying I’m not keen on it 😦 I felt the same way about Second Life too – I should like it, so why don’t I?

Which brings me on to something else. I’m surprised Second Life wasn’t mentioned in the Things. I’m sure there is a good reason for that, apart from it you like it, it ends up sucking time out of the first life…

It’s kind of strange. I was just thinking about what my chances of using the Things in my lending work would be – probably minimal. Then I realised – I already set up most of the posts on the front line wiki, I read library blogs in my Bloglines, in the absence of Sarah Munks I help look after Grapevine (which pulls in using YouTube), Google Maps is useful for when we are going somewhere for work and need help finding it, and when working with Amy for the Green Group we use Flickr CC photos for our blog posts… I could probably go on, but I won’t. I will say though that Web 2.0 things are appearing more and more in what we do at work, and at home, not necessarily with us even realising that they are, and that we probably all know more than we thought we did 🙂

I’ve really enjoyed 25 Things. Please think of 25 more things for me to play with 😛

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